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Whether you're a student, a researcher, or an educational institution, we have a plan for you.
Explore our range of options and find the perfect fit for your academic needs with SummaVerse.


✨ Individual

Ideal for frequent users wanting more

$95.88 /month

Billed $7.99/Year

🏆 Professional

Ideal for professional & power users

$191.88 /month

Billed $15.99/Year

🌐 Enterprise

Ideal for tailored summaverse experiences


Billed Annually

Amount of Credit35,000 Credit75,000 Credit250,000 Credit
Usage Example
Upload and Summary500 page (13,000 credit)1,250 page (32,500 credit)Customized Amount
Chatbot Response293 response (22,000 credit)567 response (42,500 credit)Customized Amount
Document Summary
Multi Document Summary
Chat Discussion
Embed Chat
Public/Private Chatbot Share
Priority Email Support
Coming Soon
Docx Source
TXT Source
Web Source
Tabular Data (xlsx, csv)
Connect Database
Connect Google Drive

Work and Study

Unleash the Power of AI for Academic Excellence and Professional Mastery. Simplify, Innovate, and Excel with SummaVerse.